Mullein Herb 0.5oz Organic

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Mullein Leaf is a wildflower native to much of Europe and Asia which can grow almost anywhere. The word Mullein is said to be derived from the word moleyne which means ‘soft’ because of its thick, soft leaves. A Greek physician pharmacologist and botanist was one of the first to recommend mulleins use in lung conditions around 2,000 years ago. Today it is often made into a soothing leaf tea or an ear oil made of the infused flowers.

Ingredients: Organic Mullein (Verbascum thapus). Also known by Great Mullein, Velvet Plant, White Mullein, Bullock's Lungwort, Shepherd's Club, Hare's Beard.

0.5 oz. Loose Herbs

Suggested Uses: Add to soups, cooking, smoothies, baths, etc. Infuse in water or olive oil. For hot or cold tea, pour 8-12 oz of boiling water over 1 tsp. of herbs. Steep 3-4 min.

Certified USDA Organic, Caffeine free.

Precaution: The tiny hairs of the plant can irritate your throat which is why it’s important to strain this tea thoroughly before drinking it. Topical use of this herb may cause skin irritation for some people.