Past Spirit Box™ - Stress Less

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Stress….Yes we all have it. Everyday. Sometimes it even ramps to anxiety. We have so many pressures on us today that we know we can’t get rid of all the stresses in our lives, we just have to work hard at controlling them, trying to say “no” where possible, working out or taking a walk to blow off some stress, and using natural products like ours to keep it from ramping up and allowing ourselves to keep control.

This box includes Stress & Anxiety Stone, Stress Roll-on, Stressless Essential Oil Concentrate, Stressless Lava Bracelet, Palo Santo Cones Set, Stress Lotion & Tea.

We will always insert information on how to use the products that are included in your box but if you have any questions, please give us a call at 701-751-7761 or message us on Facebook at Crystalrockhealing, LLC.

Thank you for choosing “The Spirit Box”! We know that you will love receiving and using our exciting and useful products and we are blessed you are with us.  All of the essential oil products we personally make here at Crystal Rock so be rest assured they are all natural, pure, and organic.